The Graduate Law School of the National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA)
About us
The National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA) was established following His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s grace and profound vision of enhancing Thailand’s knowledge creation in development administration through the establishment of an advanced educational institution to produce graduates to become agents of change for national development. In order for NIDA to offer all academic disciplines necessary for the dynamic needs of the society, Professor Boonchana Autthakorn, the first NIDA President, stated, “To complete the Development Administration discipline, the Laws should be also included”.
The Graduate School of Law was then established on December 3, 2009 (B.E. 2552) by the support of Professor Dr. Sombat Thamrongthanyawong, the NIDA President at that time, who appointed Professor. Dr. Banjerd Singkaneti as the first Dean of the School.
The Graduate School of Law has a strong determination to strive for academic excellence in law for the development of a just society. In doing so, it provides legal knowledge and produces legal personnel with conscious mind and social responsibility who have expertise, morality, ethics, and integrity toward themselves and the people. In addition to legal education, the Graduate School of Law established "the Law Center for Development" on May 14, 2013 in response to the mission of providing academic services and social responsibility in the form of a legal clinic. Its services include free legal knowledge and advice to the general public, both in-house and on-the-go in various community-based locations.
This is regarded as the proactive mission of the Graduate School of Law in serving the society. On top of that, such mission helps developing the students’ knowledge, morality, and ethics necessary for becoming socially responsible lawyers/legal professionals.
Academic Collaboration

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Academic Collaborative Development on Public Law and Administrative Law was signed amongst Prof. Dr. Banjerd Singaneti, Dean of NIDA Graduate School of Law, Mr.Teerachai Lorlertrat, Chairman of Foundation for Research and Development of the Administrative Justice system, and Mr. Direkrit Janeklongdham secretary of the office of the administrative courts on the 31th of May 2012 of The office of the Administrative Courts.
Dean of Graduate School of Law
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Amornrat Kulsudjarit
Dean of Graduate School of Law
Deputy Dean of Graduate School of Law
Dr. Tanatthep Tianprasit
Associate Dean for Planning Research and Innovation
Asst. Prof. Dr. Prapin Nuchpiam
Associate Dean for Academic and International Affairs
Asst. Prof. Dr. Bajrawan Nuchprayool
Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs and Director of Master of Arts Program in Law for Managements
- Master of Arts (Law for Management) (M.A.)
- Doctor of Laws (LL.D.)
- Master of Laws (LL.M.)
- Certificate in Advanced Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure
NIDA Law Summer Course

The Law School has thus initiated a NIDA Law Summer Course, which will be delivered in English by legal scholars and experts. The aim is for the course attendees to adequately understand Thai law together with a capacity to properly use it.
- To provide the course attendees with fundamental knowledge of Thai law
- To offer the course attendees opportunities to exchange their knowledge and experiences, as well as to consult, and raise legal issues, with resource persons who have specialized knowledge and expertise.
Course Content
The course covers the following important branches of law:
- Thai legal system
- Constitutional law
- Criminal law and criminal justice system
- Environmental law
- Investment laws in ASEAN countries
- Law on the protection of personal data
Course target groups
The course is suitable for foreign students and foreigners in both Thailand and other countries, as well as interested persons with communication skills in English.

Personal Data Management Techniques under the Thai Law and the European Standard